$name = 'Pascal Rigaux'; $email = 'pascal at rigaux dot org'; $LaTeX or $name = '' . $name . ''; $lambda = $LaTeX ? '$\lambda$' : 'lambda'; $irisa = html_links "Irisa", "www.irisa.fr/"; $compose = html_links "Compose", "compose.labri.fr/"; $imadoc = html_links "Imadoc", "www.irisa.fr/imadoc/"; $insa = html_links "Insa", "www.insa-rennes.fr/"; $polytechnique = html_links "Polytechnique", "www.polytechnique.fr/"; $univ_rennes1 = html_links "université de Rennes I", "www.univ-rennes1.fr/"; $france_telecom = html_links "France Télécom", "www.france-telecom.com/"; $mandriva = html_links "Mandriva", "www.mandriva.com/"; $drakx = html_links "DrakX", "www.mandrivalinux.com/drakx/"; $merd = html_links "merd", "merd.net/"; $perl = html_links "Perl", "www.perl.org/"; $ruby = html_links "Ruby", "www.ruby-lang.org/"; $haskell = html_links "Haskell", "www.haskell.org/"; $python = html_links "Python", "www.python.org/"; $mercury = html_links "Mercury", "www.cs.mu.oz.au/research/mercury/"; $tcltk = html_links "Tcl/Tk", "www.tcltk.com/"; $ocaml = html_links "OCaml", "www.ocaml.org/"; $java = html_links "Java", "www.javasoft.com/"; $linux = html_links "Linux", "www.linux.org/"; $lprolog = html_links "$lambda-prolog", "www.irisa.fr/EXTERNE/projet/lande/lande-ra95/prog_logique.html"; $vrml = html_links "VRML", "www.web3d.org"; $html = html_links "HTML", "www.w3.org/MarkUp/"; $xml = html_links "XML", "www.w3.org/XML/"; $emacs = html_links "emacs", "www.gnu.org/software/emacs/"; $quicktimevr = html_links "Quick Time VR", "www.apple.com/quicktime/qtvr/"; $prolog3 = html_links "PrologIII", "prologianet.univ-mrs.fr/"; $pliant = html_links "Pliant", "pliant.cx/"; $scheme = html_links "Scheme", "www.scheme.org/"; $visual_cpp = html_links "Visual C++", "msdn.microsoft.com/VISUALC/"; $postscript = html_links "PostScript", "www.adobe.com/prodindex/postscript/"; $windows9x = html_links "Windows 9x", "www.microsoft.com/windows98/"; $windowsnt = html_links "NT", "www.microsoft.com/ntserver/"; $pvm = html_links "PVM", "www.epm.ornl.gov/pvm/"; $csp = html_links "CSP", "www.formal.demon.co.uk/CSP.html"; $background_image = 'background-pixel.jpg'; @personal = ( $name, "Né le 02/10/1975", "Français", ); $address = "Adresse : "; @address = ( "34 rue Sambre et Meuse", "75010 Paris", ); $email_title = 'Mél : '; $phone = "Téléphone : "; $phone_number = "01 42 00 08 95"; @after_address = 'Printable version'; @body = ("Expériences professionnelles" => [ "1999/05 :" => "now working at $mandriva (was Mandrakesoft) (mainly on $drakx)", "1998/99 :" => "scientifique du contigent à l'école $polytechnique (modélisation 3D de l'école pour la réalisation d'un $quicktimevr)", "1998 :" => [ "stage de DEA dans l'équipe $compose de l'$irisa", "(autour de l'évaluation partielle, la compilation optimisante et l'architecture des processeurs)", ], "été 1997 :" => "stagiaire dans l'équipe $imadoc de l'$irisa (développement en C++ et en $lprolog)", "été 1996 :" => "développeur en langage C à $france_telecom", ], "Conférences" => [ "avril 1998 :" => "Architecture et performance des interpréteurs" . ($LaTeX ? '' : ' (abstract, slides)') . ", based on " . html_links("The Structure and Performance of Interpreters", "http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/romer96structure.html"), "février 2001 :" => html_links("presentation about programming languages", "merd.net/pixel/language-study/language-study-slides/") . " (those slides were presented at " . html_links("linux expo Paris '01", "www.linuxworldexpo.com/") . ")", ], "Études" => [ "06/1998 :" => "obtention du diplôme d'ingénieur informatique $insa", "1997/1998 :" => "DEA d'informatique à l'$univ_rennes1", "de 1995 à 1998 :" => ["formation d'ingénieur informatique $insa", [ "formation théorique :" => comma_list ( "théorie des graphes", "théorie des grammaires et des langages", "structure de données", "base de données", "compilation", "compilation optimisante", "évaluation partielle", "architecture des microprocesseurs", "système", "image numérique", "infographie", "programmation fonctionnelle", "programmation logique", "communication orale homme-machine", "programmation parallèle", "système réparti", ), "formation pratique :" => comma_list ( $perl, $ocaml, "C", "C++", $haskell, $ruby, $java, $merd, "Pascal", $scheme, $python, $lprolog, $mercury, $prolog3, $tcltk, $pliant, "SQL", $html, $xml, $postscript, "Awk", "C#", "Smalltalk", $linux, "UNIX", "bash", "tcsh", $emacs, "assembleur", #$csp, #"TCP/IP", $pvm, $visual_cpp, #"méthode OMT" #$windows9x, $windowsnt, ), ], ], # "1997 :" => "obtention du TOEIC (850)", ], "Langues pratiquées" => [ "anglais :" => "lu, écrit et parlé couramment", ], "Divers" => [ # "permis de conduire" => "",#et possession d'une voiture particulière", # "BAFA" => "", "sports pratiqués :" => "vélo, roller, badminton, natation", "lecture" => "(science-fiction)", ] );